Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is granting clemency consisting of 39 pardons and 1499 commutations. The police officer was gunned down in San Francisco and then a suspect was caught.The department is responsible for maintaining the filed records for each Probate Court case. The clerk also attends each court docket in support of the court. A defendant may plead not guilty, or guilty, or with the consent of the judge, nolo contendere, to any crime with which the defendant has been charged. From the death penalty to school truancy and diversion programs, here are some key steps Harris took as a district attorney and attorney general. What type of funds can be deposited into the Court Registry? In October 2008 Harris entered a negotiated plea of guilty to possession of methamphetamine (Cal. Penal Code § 11377(a)). Both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have extensive records when it comes to criminal justice policy.