We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law. Is pre-trial intervention an option for you?You need to ask an expert—call 888-535-3686. If the motion is based upon legal defenses, it is treated as a regular civil motion under the rules. Learn about the arraignment process in Middlesex County, NJ, including legal rights, pleas, and defense options. New Jersey's Pretrial Intervention (PTI) Program can lead to dismissal of criminal charges. The State also argues the judge erred in sentencing defendant to non-custodial probation contrary to the plea agreement without prosecutorial consent. If you have a question that isn't answered, please complete the Contact Us form to have your question answered. Even without consent, the party might be allowed to amend their pleadings, unconditionally. There is no statute that specifically addresses discharging a firearm at a dwelling house.