Cotton Mather called Williams America's "first rebel. Religious liberty is the theological principle, rooted in Holy Scripture, that every person is made in the image of God and is endowed with a free conscience.We believe that all Americans, including Muslims, are granted, as an inalienable human right, the freedom of conscience to worship God as they believe best. Religious Freedom in Focus is a periodic email update about the Civil Rights Division's religious liberty and religious discrimination cases. The early nineteenth century in America was a period in which the idea of religious liberty came to be worked out in practice in. Defendants appeal from convictions for violations of the regulations governing the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge. The Free Exercise Clause categorically prohibits government from regulating, prohibiting, or rewarding religious beliefs as such. Editor's Prologue: Religious freedom is a protected liberty that most. Americans take for granted. This document analysis activity is a great resource for helping students analyze Roger Williams' "A Plea for Religious Liberty" (1644).