Matthew Muller, who pleaded guilty to kidnapping Denise Huskins, the case known as the "Gone Girl" kidnapping, has been charged again. Have I hit the maximum amount of times I can convince the Reaper to spare Dimitri, or am I just getting unlucky?Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is granting clemency consisting of 39 pardons and 1499 commutations. Have you found that you are overusing the word "said"? Do you want to give more meaning, action, and emotion to the dialogue in your writing? In San Jose Kelly Sparry made a public plea for any information leading to her son's whereabouts and holds out hope he may be alive. A plaintiff must first present a written claim known as a "government claim" to the public entity within a specified amount of time. This report is provided for case identification and background information only and does not reflect the views of the court. There are three resident offices located in Atlanta, Houston, and Portland as well. Prosecutors are seeking to ensure that the mother and her codefendants remain locked up until their jury trial.