All capital purchases must, under OSD regulations, be labeled and included in the provider's written inventory system. Massachusetts business lawyers explain how asset purchase agreements work and what they should include.During an asset purchase, the buyer purchases specific assets and assumes specific liabilities of the seller's business. Leases subject to ASC 842 should be characterized as intangible assets for purposes of the nonincome measure of the corporate excise. Section 21C: Lease purchase financing agreements. Leasing assets to your corporation is a perfectly legal and advantageous way to reduce your overall tax liability. An asset purchase agreement, or asset sale agreement, should contain details about the business, buyer, seller, and assets acquired through the transaction. Whether you are buying or selling a business in Massachusetts, completing the transaction without the help of a business lawyer is extremely risky. Section 38: Disclosure statement required for the rental or sale or purchase of real property to or from a public agency. Apply for car loan and tell them you're buying out your lease.