In an asset purchase, the purchaser only acquires the assets and liabilities it identifies and agrees to acquire and assume from the seller. The lease agreement will generally contain a buyout or transfer of title provision.Profile IDs are required for capital leases. Leasing assets to your corporation is a perfectly legal and advantageous way to reduce your overall tax liability. This guide defines the working relationship between the tenantagency and RECS during the processes of site location, including economic. An asset purchase agreement is a written legal instrument that formalizes the purchase of a business or significant business asset. The lease contains a bargain purchase option. The lease term is equal to 75 percent or more of the estimated life of the leased asset. As full and complete consideration for the purchase of the Assets, at Closing the Buyer shall issue the Seller the Warrants (the "Purchase Price"). Experienced and knowledgeable attorneys at Heritage Law Office are dedicated to guiding Minnesotans through the maze of asset protection.