The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. How do I fill this out?All applicants must fill out a complete online application using Submittable. Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. Paraprofessionals are teaching assistants who provide instructional services to students under the general supervision of a certified teacher. We've compiled an overview of common types of contracts, what they might entail, and tips for seeking advice on a budget. This form is for general instructions that apply to all corporation tax forms. It includes a variety of topics about how to fill out your form. JJP Bronx VAMC is seeking the services of a local mural artist to complete a mural painting project in the stairways of the hospital. Below is an explanation of each of the columns that you will fill out.