How to fill out the Artist Contract Agreement Sample Document? 1. Enter the names of the parties involved in the agreement. 2.LawDepot's Performance Contract template can be useful for group or solo performers. When filming a movie, it's important to have all actors sign a talent release form. Here's what you need to know, along with a free template download. Tailored for Art teachers, it's simple to understand and fill out, making it ideal for small art businesses or freelance artists. Below the button are four green checkmarks with the text 'INSTANT DOWNLOAD', 'FULLY EDITABLE', 'EASILY PRINTABLE', and 'A4 SIZE'. Obtain image rights professionally. Use our model release form for minors to gain model and parental consent to use and publish a minor's picture. With our free artwork release form template, you can collect the signatures you need to reproduce images for your clients' business needs.