Whenever possible, be sure your management contract clearly spells out what role the manager is going to fill. In order to help you with this important step, we have put together 7 key things to look out for when signing a talent management agreement.Discover contract management for dummies with simple methods of automating the process of managing contracts. A talent agency contract is a legal agreement between a talent agency and a talent, such as an actor, musician, or model. One of the most important documents in the talent industry is the agreement that governs the artist (talent) and personal manager relationship. Regardless of the way you choose to apply, there are a few forms that you'll need to fill out. Any person or company wishing to become a talent agent in California must get properly licensed with the Labor Commission. You are just one click away to completing your profile. The Talent Agencies Act (the "TAA," or the "Act"), California Labor Code Section 1700, et seq. This way, the only field your actors need to fill out is their signature.