The parties further agree that this Master Agreement shall control their respective rights, responsibilities and privileges which arise out of the Subcontractor. We provide access to detailed financial reporting tools through our convenient owner portal, making it easier than ever for you to stay informed.How to fill out the Management Services Agreement Template for Businesses? PURPOSE: In the event of a Presidential Declaration, FEMA desires to use, and the COUNTY agrees to license and permit FEMA to use the following. Please fill out this form no longer than 15 days after each outreach event. County and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the use of the Clark County Event Center in the event of a Presidential. C reserves the right to modify this Agreement and. SOWs. The Parties' agreement to such modifications shall be set forth in a revised SOW. The DD Board shall conduct investigations of MUI's in accordance with the Ohio. Administrative Code 51-17-02. 5.3.4.