A tour manager contract is an essential document to protect your interests and ensure a smooth touring experience. To schedule a tour, please visit our Airport Tour Program page under Community Resources and click on "Schedule a Tour" to fill out the application form.We have various applications and forms available on our web site for your convenience. This Tour Management Agreement is a contract between an artist and a tour manager for the tour manager to provide tour management services to the artist. Have the forms the clerk gives you served on all defendants in this case: a. Our intern and summer student positions offer an opportunity to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to hands-on experience. The Public Health Laboratory can provide, on request, a complete list of routine diagnostic services available to health care providers and associated fees. 511 Contra Costa Report. Medi-Cal provides medical, dental, and vision insurance to low-income families in California. Prepare your people and stay in compliance using industry-specific training, operational readiness, workforce management, and risk management solutions.