An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. Below are standard clauses found in a typical agreement, but it should serve simply as a guide to understanding artist management contracts.The artist should take great care to pay attention to the way course income is defined in the management agreement. Many times the term is not even defined. I am an artist and I need someone to help me create a contract I could deal with online with customers so they don't scam me out of my services. This is a template for an exclusive artist management contract for a term of three years. All submissions are anonymous! Bevins remembers, before Barton had a barbershop of his own in Pittsfield and later North Adams, him cutting hair out of her house. Jamel Semper was confirmed as a federal trial court judge on Nov. 29 and the Senate Judiciary Committee reported out the nomination of.