Students who choose an Associate of Arts in Business pathway degree can seamlessly transfer to any public four-year institution in Ohio. The Ohio Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business. Administration.The Associate of Arts in Business is based on the Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathway in Business. CMHA seeks to cultivate economic growth for historically-disadvantaged individuals and businesses, resulting in positive impact throughout Cuyahoga County. The Cuyahoga group was a good company to work when they were still family owned. The company is a soulless shell of what once was. Conduct a waste audit to identify and quantify all the components of your organizations waste stream. What can be eliminated, reduced, reused or recycled? How to Start, Grow, and Expand Your Business in Cuyahoga County. The City of Cleveland offers tax abatement as an incentive to help encourage and spur investment across all of its neighborhoods.