A witness signature refers to the signature of an individual who has observed the signing of a legal document and can attest to its authenticity. Each party shall file and serve a Final Witness List and a Final Exhibit List on the day prescribed in the applicable Case Management Schedule.The Mediator will send the parties an "Agreement to Mediate" form to complete. The work of the Appeals Unit focuses primarily on the postconviction stage of felony litigation in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. The Contractor shall be required to complete an affidavit to the City's Finance. In the Department of Public Safety,. For this reason, the name and contact details of the witnesses must appear on the agreement, in addition to their signature. A witness signature refers to the signature of an individual who has observed the signing of a legal document and can attest to its authenticity. Fill out the Move-in Checklist at the back of this booklet. Keep the original and give a copy to the landlord.