AMENDED AND RESTATED HOTEL MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT from Summit Hotel OP, LP filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our talented and experienced team can help both owners and operators to navigate the various provisions contained within a management agreement.A facility management agreement is a verbal or written agreement between a client and service provider that intends to provide facility services. • Advertised to public in the Dallas Morning News. • Sent 2,590 emails to the City registered vendors. A personal management agreement is a legal document that lays out the terms of an artist's or entertainer's professional relationship with their manager. A restaurant LLC operating agreement is a legal contract between the owners of an LLC, outlining how the company will conduct its business. Throughout the term of this Agreement, Manager shall use its diligent efforts to lease apartment units in the Property. Your management fee should be designed to ensure each restaurant is more profitable due to the management agreement. Jones Rotary House International.