Most businesses, professions, trades, and occupations are assessed a license tax based on gross receipts for the prior year. Examples of homebased businesses include home offices, music lessons, art studios, home crafts, and homebased food production.Here is our member directory with a provided map highlighting the businesses that are members of the Central Fairfax Chamber of Commerce. The Zoning Division issues Zoning Permits and coordinates plan approvals related to use and development of residential, commercial and industrial properties. This project will improve storm sewer capacity at the Fairfax Blvd and Meredith Ave intersection to address flooding of the roadway during intense storm events. Geek out on all things operations, management, building teams, and growing small businesses. Please be aware that the last business day of the month may not be the same as the last school day in the month. There are several ways to send payment for your bill, via mail or online. Your payment options. Fairfax County is home to a wide range of "maker" businesses – from textiles, hardware, woodworking and metalworking to breweries and local food products.