I'm going to show you what you need to do to start these wacky contract missions for your old pal franklin. One of the most important documents in the talent industry is the agreement that governs the artist (talent) and personal manager relationship.We offer artist management contracts that you can download and modify. Get your management contract for recording artists and live performance artists now. Business_Manager_Agmt 1st Pg.jpg. Up to nine awards will be made, as there is one position available at each of our locations. Qualified providers can bid on one or multiple positions. Franklin tells the player they can begin working on the agency's contracts, while Lamar notices Imani and asks about her. Artist Management for the Music Business Paul Allen,2011 This is essential reading for managers, students, and artists in the music business. Below are standard clauses found in a typical agreement, but it should serve simply as a guide to understanding artist management contracts.