In this article, we will share five examples of art loan agreements from reputable sources in the field of heritage conservation. The Artist agrees to loan the Exhibitor the above works for the time period commencing ____________ (date) and concluding ____________ (date).How to fill out the Artist Contract Agreement Sample Document? 1. Enter the names of the parties involved in the agreement. 2. Use our free Loan Agreement template to create a contract online. Deposit the money collected in the aviation degree loan forgiveness program account. Artwork Information ("Artwork") - Please provide an addendum containing the Artwork information below for loans involving multiple art pieces. Artist:. The City anticipated providing assistance in the form of a deferred loan, which would be forgiven if the owner continues ownership for 10 years. Artwork Information ("Artwork") - Please provide an addendum containing the Artwork information below for loans involving multiple art pieces. Artist:. Artists will receive payment in a timely manner from the Brush Art Gallery and Studios.