Each section includes supporting material, detailed instructions and may include examples or sample forms. Credentialing Services support providers with obtaining and maintaining their medical staff membership and their right to care for patients.This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter. This Request for Proposals ("RFP") is an invitation for Proposers to submit a proposal to the County. To start a case, you must use the Conciliation Court Claim Form. Filling Out the Form. Hennepin County has several supervisors who oversee the initial contact and assessments for participants. Collect and process applications for initial appointment, reappointment and additional privileges. Agent will evaluate the property on move-in and move-out of tenants and estimate and assess appropriate maintenance and repair cost against the tenants. The Needs Assessment and Evaluation Committee encourages members to collaborate to fill out this assessment (i.e.