An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. One of the most important documents in the talent industry is the agreement that governs the artist (talent) and personal manager relationship.This Tour Management Agreement is a contract between an artist and a tour manager for the tour manager to provide tour management services to the artist. (a). Company will pay all specifically approved Recording Costs in connection with Master Recordings made hereunder. This post discusses the importance of an artist and manager contract and showcases sample templates that you can easily download. Below are standard clauses found in a typical agreement, but it should serve simply as a guide to understanding artist management contracts. The. Minimum Recording Commitment for each Contract Period shall be 1 option. 4. Recording Procedure. (a). In fairness to an artist, I always point out to them that an agent is not a presenter and cannot control what presenters will book. This document outlines the terms of a contract between a soloist artist and an event organizer for a performance.