A witness signature refers to the signature of an individual who has observed the signing of a legal document and can attest to its authenticity. Electronic signing solutions, like Docusign eSignature, can reduce the risk of a person being pressured or threatened into entering a contract.IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed or approved this Contract for Grants on the dates below their signatures. CONTRACTOR: By: Printed Name. This legislation overcomes uncertainties in the law on electronic execution of deeds, and remote witnessing. These measures have or will become permanent. In this guide we focus on using simple electronic signature platforms to sign contracts and deeds. Just-in-Case Instructions: Compile your personal, legal, and financial information into a single document for quick reference in case of an emergency. I applied for a training contract with six Manchester firms. The bidder will forfeit security to the Minister if the bidder fails to enter into or carry out the contract when called upon to do so.