Art Loan Agreement – Use to get permission to display a student's work in a show or display. Examples of past honors contracts: Below is a brief list of some descriptions of previous honors contracts (just to give you some ideas).Lender certifies that the Art is in a condition to withstand the ordinary strains of packing, transportation, and handling. ARTICLE 1- CONSULTANT'S BASIC SERVICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 1.0 Basic Services Terms and Conditions. The lists of anticipated projects in the SERVICES are shown as examples only of the types of projects that may result from this CONTRACT. Student must be enrolled in a Maricopa County Community College District institution during the semester of the contest. The term "condos" may also be used in the ordinance. We use the term "development fees" because that is the term found in the statutes. Successful completion of this certificate may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries.