An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. We offer artist management contracts that you can download and modify.Get your management contract for recording artists and live performance artists now. Protect your business when representing artists. Sorry, but yes, it's a common scam. In this video you're going to learn what to include in a management contract between the artist and the manager. Also develop custom webbased courses for clients on a contract basis. Earl Simmons (December 18, 1970 – April 9, 2021), known professionally as DMX, was an American rapper and actor. On July 6, 2017, the full City Council discussed the issue of PPPI repayment and voted to use the proceeds of the sale of park land that is not. "NASA is called the space agency, but in a broader sense, we could be called an environmental agency . . .