Our contracts management system is built using SharePoint online and power automate to automate the workflow engine in the background. Syntex powered solutions to automate your contract needs.This SharePoint Syntex powered site is designed to help you jump-start your contract management needs. The Contract Management page provides information to State agencies and business partners regarding State CM practices. Corrective Action Plans will be filled in the contract QA folders in. SharePoint. ISSI offers Microsoft SharePoint integration services so you can take advantage of document management, workflow automation and RPA. We're going to take a look at what sharepoint does for contract management and why it's so effective at taking all of your outdated processes. DCAA provides audit and financial advisory services to DoD and other federal entities responsible for acquisition and contract administration. Signeasy's AI-powered contract management software simplifies business contracts securely. Prepare, sign, collaborate, and manage contracts with ease.