The EOTSS contract management office provides contract review and contract negotiation services on large-scale projects across the Commonwealth. Having a standard contract template promotes several goals: • It creates uniform standards, forms and procedures for administration of construction contracts.You can file your Notice of Written Contract at anytime once work begins on a construction project in Massachusetts. The Owner's Project Manager shall complete the services required under this Contract in a prompt and continuous manner. An updated version of the Standard Contract Form is now available and should be used for all new contracts. Contract management in construction is the process of overseeing and administrating contracts between various parties involved in a construction project. For more information, please contact the MSBA. Owner's Project Manager. Contract management in construction is the process of overseeing and administrating contracts between various parties involved in a construction project. Out of the Designer contract or the construction contract, provided such litigation or claims did not arise due to the fault of the Owner's Project Manager; and.