The Artist shall develop and submit to the Trust a Proposal for a work of art (the. "Work") for the "Project" (the "Project") located at "Site" (the "Site").An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. The organization should send a copy of the fully executed agreement to the agent or artist. A personal service agreement is a contract between an artist and a company or individual that will produce, distribute, and promote the artist's work. Artist agreements outline the terms and conditions of the artistic partnership and allow each party to understand what they are responsible for in the endeavor. It is critically important. At Martindale Law, we represent music labels, distributors and artists in a wide range of entertainment law and litigation matters. Mac users: The best way to fill out our Individual Artist Agreement Template is to download, open, and complete it through Adobe.