Enclosed you will find a contract package that contains award instructions and reporting requirements. The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working.Community members and prospective community members are encouraged to read this report for awareness of policies, procedures, crime information and resources. How do I fill this out? View our eStatement Agreement as it relates to the security of your banking information while using online banking services from Middlesex Savings Bank. Every resource you find on "Making Money as an Artist" advises that you secure a contract before doing any commission work. The. Minimum Recording Commitment for each Contract Period shall be 1 option. 4. Recording Procedure. (a). The form will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete depending on the number of pieces you submit. Villiers was the last in a succession of handsome young favourites on whom the King lavished affection and patronage.