Discover contract management for dummies with simple methods of automating the process of managing contracts. In order to help you with this important step, we have put together 7 key things to look out for when signing a talent management agreement.Whenever possible, be sure your management contract clearly spells out what role the manager is going to fill. Protect your business when representing artists. It's a fairly standard management contract saying what the manager can and cannot do. Customize this talent contract with the agent's and talent's responsibilities. The template includes all necessary clauses and can be modified in minutes. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture, partnership, franchise, agency, or similar relationship between the parties. I break down the common finer points of music industry contracts explain what you're likely to see what you should negotiate for. Join us for the second of a five-part series, based on the informational book, Talent Management for Dummies, Deltek Special Edition.