Below you will find forms and information that you will need to administer your current contracts. The Contract Compliance Office is here to help.The Nevada State Contractors Board (NSCB) is an agency that licenses and regulates contractors throughout the State of Nevada. Many of the below forms now use a new format allowing you to electronically fill out, sign, print and save the document you requested. How to fill out the Owner-Contractor Agreement for Nevada Projects? Contract management in construction is the process of overseeing and administrating contracts between various parties involved in a construction project. To qualify to become a licensed contractor you must have the experience and skills necessary to manage the daily activities of a construction business. Summary of the Nevada Notice of Completion for construction projects including free forms, FAQs, resources, and more. In construction contracts, the owner promises to pay the prime contractor a certain sum of money for the contractor's performance in building the structure. A contractor includes a construction manager who performs management and counseling services on a construction project for a professional fee.