Obtain image rights professionally. Use our model release form for minors to gain model and parental consent to use and publish a minor's picture.Find out more about acquiring a child performer permit for your child or if you are an employer looking to hire child. We're sharing this template of the contract we use when we hire artists to do cover art for our anthologies and books. This sample contract is specifically for interior artwork, not cover art, and presupposes that only one page of artwork will be done. With our free artwork release form template, you can collect the signatures you need to reproduce images for your clients' business needs. Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. Use these online agreement forms to generate contracts with your clients or partners. Find the template you need and customize it on 123FormBuilder. Explore Artist agreement Booking Templates and find the form that suits your needs.