How to fill out the Artist Contract Agreement Sample Document? 1. Enter the names of the parties involved in the agreement. 2.1) A written report for the City's files including complete information regarding the intent of the Art Work and the scale, materials, and processes used in the. The MOCHA arts program has been an integral part of the arts integration program at RISE for over 5 years. This work-for-hire music contract is customizable and can be used for many common recording situations, such as bringing in backup singers or day-player musicians. The Museum of Children's Arts (MOCHA) will provide: >MOCHA teaching arts will teach a total of 16 classes each week for 7 weeks. You can locate Sample Contract Agreements on this page. Documents Sample Construction Agreement (PDF) Sample agreement to be used as a template. Submit your housing contract today. Motion – To approve the 2020 HIDTA sub-recipient agreement with Oakland County.