An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. The percentage of gross revenue to an artists depends on the relationship with a management company, booking company and record label.A personal manager helps shape an artist's career, provides advice and guidance to artists in their daytoday career choices and development. From tax implications to long-term financial planning, here are five key things to consider so you can make the best decision for you now and in the future. We look for the people who are responsible for these big shifts, these moves that make other Philadelphians sit up and take notice. The artist management agreement and review everything that a musician should know before signing one. You should look for these 5 things. The high rate for Pennsylvania Eastern is due largely to a single multidistrict litigation case;. Pierino Ronald "Perry" Como was an American singer, actor, and television personality. This is a template for an exclusive artist management contract for a term of three years.