Artist agreements outline the terms and conditions of the artistic partnership and allow each party to understand what they are responsible for in the endeavor. Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement.An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. Here is a breakdown of (some) common types of contracts and agreements that you may encounter in the course of your artistic career. The contract needs to have a clear description of the artistic services on offer. The Artist shall prepare structural drawings detailing every physical feature of the construction of the Artwork and its integration with the Site. Applicants to this RFQ may be considered as an applicant pool for other similar City of Phoenix public art projects. An artist residency program provides artists with time and space to focus on their creative work, often in a new environment. The Owner shall have a commercially reasonable period of time for its contractor, to review and accept the. Engineering Drawings.