To set up as a new vendor, please sign up through the sign-up link and download and fill out the Vendor Agreement form, which can be downloaded below. If you want to be involved, fill out form below.If you would like to be an exhibitor to sell your creations, please go here. The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. The Performance Agreement template is available to serve the general campus and steam-line the process for hiring artists. In general, artist contracts can take a number of different forms depending on the specific situation. During the Term of this Agreement, you shall render to Company your exclusive services as a recording artist for the purpose of making Master. Artists interested in participating must complete an application and submit electronic copies of their work. 2. 2) Make sure to fill out your eligibility profile as an "individual" and as an "individual artist", even if you are applying as Artist Team;. 2. Recording Services.