II.2 Consultant shall submit a Proposed Service Plan for each Project that City requests to be performed under this Agreement. This Professional Services Agreement for Project Delivery Services for the IMP Program.Use this Property Management Agreement to delegate an Agent the right to lease and manage your real estate property. Download this agreement today. Contract Management: The entire contracting process from planning through contract administration, including contract closeout. Each Institution must (1) publish a contract management handbook that is consistent with Rule. This Master Contract defines and provides for coverage and administration for the benefits common to uniform CITY employees. The Contract and Diversity Management System (CDMS) is used to determine and report the County's service and product acquisition activities. San Antonio, TX. 420-52700. A LOMR is a letter from FEMA officially revising the current NFIP map to show changes to floodplains, regulatory floodways, or flood elevations.