Manager shall be paid all unpaid Management Fees. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: A. VENDOR'S proposal dated January 12, 2016.This Exclusive Franchise Agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Collection, Processing, and. All managers are contract employees; and as such, the initial salary placement shall be established through conferred agreement with the Chancellor or Designee. Purpose: The City of San Bernardino and the Middle-Management Unit realize the importance of a viable grievance procedure to aid in the resolution of disputes. Complete development of Phases 1 and 1A of the old CinemaStar building into the new. If you're looking for an attorney who can help your business succeed, look no further! Collective bargaining agreement, food handlers subject to the local food handler programs in the counties of Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego and food. Wild and scenic rivers since the recommendations were made in the San Bernardino National Forest 2005. Land Management Plan.