An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. In this video you're going to learn what to include in a management contract between the artist and the manager.Is becoming an artist manager a viable career option for someone interested in the music industry but not as a musician? Below are standard clauses found in a typical agreement, but it should serve simply as a guide to understanding artist management contracts. If you've been offered a Talent Agency or Artist Manager Contract, call California Talent Agency Artist Management Contracts Attorney Sebastian Gibson. Send the Record Label a "Notice to Cure" letter. Artist agreements outline the terms and conditions of the artistic partnership and allow each party to understand what they are responsible for in the endeavor. Represent and promote artists, performers, and athletes in dealings with current or prospective employers. First of all, the manager is the public representatives of an artist. Managers reach out to partners and filter incoming offers on the artist's behalf.