Upon City's request, Contractor shall provide to. City, within sixty (60) calendar days, a truthful and complete list of the names of all subcontractors,.Below are the various types of contracting methods available to school sites and administrative departments. A facility management agreement is a verbal or written agreement between a client and service provider that intends to provide facility services. Contractor shall complete the Scope of Work ("SOW") as specified in Exhibit A – Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein. Management Services. If you're looking for a new property management company to manage your San Diego home, check out these 4 easy steps to make the hiring process easier! (5) Costs associated with completing the SOW when it reasonably appears that the unexpended funds for the SOW are insufficient to cover the cost of completion. (F) the qualifications and experience of the Vendor's team, (G) the overall ability of the. Memorandum of Understanding. MSA.