If Artist is comprised of two or more individual persons, the individual persons shall be deemed joint authors of the Artwork. Artist is to complete Artist's Services according to the schedule set out in the attached EXHIBIT B, entitled "SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE.Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. Once notified of award, Artist will enter into a Licensing Agreement with the City for their artwork. The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. (a) Artist shall retain all copyright of their Artwork. WORKS may reproduce all or portions of the Artwork for advertising and promotional purposes. This section focuses on the various points you should review with the club owner in order to arrive at a performing contract. Exit Pay - When an ARTIST, after completing five (5) years of service, leaves San. Serve as educators for the Schoolhouse, a year-round series of theater arts classes for all ages.