If Artist has no employees, Artist must submit a signed letter attesting to this fact. d. Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement.This contract for design, and delivery of art work images for the Bus Shelter Temporary art project ("Contract"), is effective and entered into this day of. ARTIST certifies that no person who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement is an officer or employee of. City Business Tax: The selected Artist will be required to provide proof of payment of City Business Tax prior to contract award. This file is an artist contract agreement that provides a sample template for individual artists or groups. This Service Agreement template is available for use on UpCounsel. ARTIST agrees that all formal references to the WORK and any reproductions of the WORK in any form shall include the following credit: "Collection of the. Work authorization status of all its employees hired during the term of this Agreement. Ford® is Built for America.