Register Your Business. You can write your own agreement, or fill out our attorney-drafted template to generate your manager-managed LLC operating agreement for free.Management options include member-managed and manager-managed formats as well as officer, committee and board of directors-style LLC management structures. Find top rated single member llc operating agreement lawyers for Santa Clara, CA to hire. Get proposals from CA LLC lawyers for your agreement. Therefore, unlike under BeverlyKillea, RULLCA requires that a written operating agreement be in place for an LLC to be managermanaged. There are currently 3 ways to complete this form: Easy-Fill: Fill out the form online, then print and mail it to CSLB with the appropriate fee. Here is a Membermanaged Operating Agreement template available in 3 formats. This can be used for a Single-Member LLC or a Multi-Member LLC. Find llc subscription agreement lawyers for Santa Clara, CA to hire.