You will need to fill out Form SS-4, the application for employer identification number. Management provisions in the LLC Operating Agreement deal with the management of the LLC business, which basically means decisionmaking for the LLC business.Form a corporation, limited liability company (LLCs), limited partnership or more and do business in New York State. Once you have determined the name of your business you will need to determine the Type of Business that you will file. In Need of a Reliable Contract Lawyer for Contract Drafting? A thorough and complete contract outlining the expectations and responsibilities of the management firm makes everybody's job easier. You can write your own agreement, or fill out our attorney-drafted template to generate your manager-managed LLC operating agreement for free. Get In Touch With Us. Fill out the form below and we will be in touch. Want immediate help? Click here to learn about our teams, our projects and how we're transforming how we work through innovation and technology!