Business entities that file an assumed name certificate with the secretary of state are not required to file an assumed name certificate with the county clerk. Formation of Business Entities and Nonprofit Corporations Under the Texas Business Organizations Code: Online filing available through SOSDirect.In general, sole proprietorships and partnerships need to register and file the business name (DBA or assumed name) with their local county clerk's office. The name must include "Limited Liability Company" or its abbreviations, such as "LLC" or "L.L.C.". Learn how to register a business name in Texas. All corporations must use one of the following in their names, usually at the end of the name: "Incorporated," "Corporation," "Limited" or their abbreviations. The DBA should be filed with the county clerk where the business is located. State Search - For state-filed businesses such as Corporations, LLC's etc. Corporations have greater prestige. No. Filing entities cannot have names that are the same or deceptively similar, even if they are related companies or can obtain a letter of consent.