This guide adopts statue, rule, and standards contained within the Statewide Procurement. The Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide provides a framework for navigating the complexities of Texas procurement law.This contract form serves as a master agreement for provision of services for construction-related disciplines on an as-needed basis. Responsible for the planning, design, construction maintenance, and operation of the district trans portation system. A public works contract means a contract for consulting, altering, or repairing a public building or carrying out or completing any public work. Contract management in construction is the process of overseeing and administrating contracts between various parties involved in a construction project. The RACI matrix is useful for assigning roles and responsibilities for any programs or functions, including procurement and contract management. The Development Services - Contract Management Office is responsible for the oversight and integrity of the contracting process for development projects. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) Procurement and Contract. Operations Division (PCO) is responsible for managing the procurement.