Where there is more than one. Artist, all Artists shall be referred to collectively as "Artist.Please read the Artist Member License below and complete the following form. The FARE contract is a legal tool for artists to use when selling their work that will protect their interests and establish ongoing rights in their work. All membership contracts will automatically renew for 12 (twelve) months, unless this notice is received in the manner stated. The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. Artist agreements outline the terms and conditions of the artistic partnership and allow each party to understand what they are responsible for in the endeavor. Due 2 weeks prior to delivering artwork: Completed W-9 form on file with Visual Arts Manager; If necessary, a completed "Artist Image Edit Request" form. Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. Name other than the funded artist does not fulfill the residency requirement.