If the Artist agrees to the City's written proposal, the new Scope of Work shall be modified in the manner noted above, and shall specify the agreed revisions,. Example of a Legal Artist Work-For-Hire Agreement.The ARTIST shall complete all work and services included in the SCOPE OF WORK according to the schedule set forth in the TIME LINE. How to fill out the Custom Art Commission Contract Agreement? 1. The Artist shall perform the services required under this Agreement in a satisfactory and competent manner. Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. With this fill-in-the-blanks legal template, non-lawyers can create their own artist contract. How to fill out the Fine Art Commission Agreement Template for Clients? ☐ Attach a copy of Speaker's W-9. Mac users: The best way to fill out our Individual Artist Agreement Template is to download, open, and complete it through Adobe.