To assist Contra Costa County in its commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, applicants are asked to voluntarily provide the following information. Once your application is complete, click on Proceed to Certify and Submit.After you create an account, you will be automatically directed to complete the CCC International Student Application. Other Documentation: Any other documentation requested in the job announcement such as permit, license, or certificate. Provide a copy of your current monthly utility bill PLUS include your past due, 15-day or 48hr notice if one is received. Sending only your 15-day, 48-hour. The employee must have been employed full-time in the Contra. Costa Community College District for at least ten (10) years in a faculty position. 14.1.4. The Canal is a 48mile open channel constructed in the 1930s and 40s to deliver water to over 500,000 people. Today, it is showing its age.