Generally a job offer letter will show your new salary and that will help that you will be financially able to pay rent. CityFHEPS is a rental assistance supplement program to help individuals and families find and keep an apartment,.In lieu of paystubs you may use a signed letter of job offer and acceptance. This letter must be on company stationery and state hire date and salary. c. This can come in the form of a check, pay stubs, tax return, or offer letter if you haven't started a new job yet. 6. Personal References. Learn what to include in a job offer letter and use our ready made template. No, denial of a housing application cannot be based on an applicant's criminal history prior to completing the two-step process and individualized assessment. If you've recently accepted a new job offer and don't have income to show, an acceptance letter from your employer should suffice. According to MassLandlords.