Your references must return the questionnaire to our office before your application proceeds further. Each applicant shall complete the Fulton County Application for Employment.Candidates must be notified in writing of the applicable probationary period before commencing employment. Probationary period of employment in the position. The District Attorney is responsible for prosecuting all crimes in Fulton County, which is made up of 10 town courts, 2 city courts and County Court. An application must be completed in order to be eligible for employment with Fulton County. The probationary term is a period of not less than eight (8) weeks, or more than fifty two (52) weeks for most open-competitive positions. Please allow 3-5 business days for forms or letters to be processed (7-10 business days in the summer). The probationary period is used to onboard new employees and set specific goals to determine if performance is satisfactory to continue employment. The probationary period is used to onboard new employees and set specific goals to determine if performance is satisfactory to continue employment.