Generally a job offer letter will show your new salary and that will help that you will be financially able to pay rent. Ask your landlord if they would be willing to write a short letter explaining you were a great tenant.This guide will cover how to write a cover letter for a rental application and even provide you with a rent letter example to help you get started. The people that have been trying to get approved for an apartment. You need a letter of employment to get an apartment so that you can prove to the landlord that you are employed. Your landlord may ask for an income verification letter or proof of income letter. Here's how to write that letter of employment for renting. Your Online Job Offer: Through Online Job Offers, prospective employees can view, decline, accept and complete pending job offers. The most common proof of income is your pay stub or an offer letter from an employer, selfemployed people have access to alternative proofs of income. Often, your employer will send the income verification letter directly to your potential landlord, as requested on your apartment application.